My Computer Never Asks Me How Many Computers I Had Before!

Performing the browser, the browser as performance — in a hypertext symphony of desktop & live ambient.
July 26, 2024
My Computer Never Asks Me How Many Computers I Had Before!, Gray Area, San Francisco, USA
Opener: exteeng
My performances blend windows and works, improvised and unique and infinite each time. (Live, lingering, exploring new connections...) At Gray Area, I performed fragments from a dozen net art pieces produced between 23–24 performed live & looped & lingered around—tracing new links & lines between one another, hypertext poetry & ambience & endurance & sampling, my body gesturing through countless screens & selves.

Amisola's internet ambient performances splay hundreds of windows across the screen, inhabiting the internet as they read the text on a website, its metadata, desktop icons, the terminal, and then their own browser history.
Accompanied by live ambient and samples drawn from fields to abandoned blogs, their performances live between a poetry reading, desktop performance, and durational ambient performance. Intimate as it is inhabited and embodied, they click, scroll, stutter, lag, click, and refresh, bringing us to realize the internet is a place we make, and can fill.
Before the performance, I held a workshop on computer ambiences. [link here]
Thank you so much to Wade Wallerstein for having me, and the whole Gray Area team (Andre and others) for my first big performance on a big big screen. ♥
